Quality Validation 360 Inc
Email: amarinelli@qualityvalidation360inc.com; amarinelli360@gmail.com
Testimonials about Allan Marinelli
“I have worked professionally with Allan Marinelli from 1998 through 2002 at Raylo Chemicals when I was employed there as the Pilot Plant Manager / Project Champion. Allan was originally brought into our organization to aid in the qualification and validation efforts for a new multimillion dollar commercial plant being built to expand our capacity by 10 fold. ln November of 2001 I had the opportunity to work with Allan when he was assigned to our project group to oversee the qualification and validation efforts required for the construction and system implementation for our new Oligonucleotide Laboratory. From November 2001 through to July 2002 I was able to observe Allan's work ethic, experience and professionalism with respect to the construction project, in which I was responsible for. He worked diligently and patiently to address problems and work through issues with the project team and suppliers- Additional effort was noted regularly with teaching and training of individuals within the project group in the areas that he was known to be strong in, Allan is meticulous and pays a great deal of attention to detailto understand systems completely. I found it to be an opportunity to have someone with Allan's background and experience to facilitate the qualification and validation efforts for our new facility. From 2002 onwards, I have kept in contact with Allan and feel that he has built a wealth of valuable experience that has application in a variety of industries. I invite you to contact myself, Doug Drabble for further reference or inquiry at 336-923-5225
Doug Drabble
Director of BioNetwork and Life Sciences Initiatives
January 30, 2012
"Allan worked in the Celltrion QC department in 2005/2006 [South Korea] as a Senior Validation Engineering / Consultant for 1.25 years to help us establish the QC Department, and provided for guidance and expertise in instrument and lab equipment I,O,PQ and operational SOPs. I would like to recognize his contributions to Celltrion. He was a top notch scientist and validation engineer who additionally provided instrument validation concept training, execution and also validation maintenance. As a statement to these contributions, the company received no 483 observation in the QC labs as part of the new facility FDA, PAI inspection.” Allan's top quality performer, creative and integrity.
Rusty Kutny [Formally Senior Director of Quality/Quality Control at Celltrion , South Korea]
RK Quality Consulting LLC
Feb 20, 2012
“In 2004 at the Los Angeles, California plant for Baxter, I [Project Engineer at Baxter] have worked with Allan Marinelli who was representing Validation Technology Incorporated [VTI) as a Senior Validation Engineer/Scientist in the same project titled “Utilities Validation, Reverse Osmosis, and Water For Injection System]. I have observed his excellent technical skills, hands-on experiences, and many of his recommendations resulted in increasing the efficiency of the project by eliminating the necessary hurdles/show-stoppers that was preventing the compressed schedule from moving forward in a timely manner. In addition, he has authored the Utilities Validation protocols, re-redlined many of the drawings [Lots of red-lining] that were previously incorrectly representing field conditions, executed test-scripts/protocols, and supported the deviation team lead that came from Germany Baxter [That was brought in to ensure quality objectives are meet, and alignment with upper management strategies, meeting a compressed schedule].”
Zoran Sovljanski, Project Manager,
BW Design Group
Cell: 858-731-7333
May 26, 2014